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Ham from pork knuckles

Video Recipe

It's hard to believe, but I made ham from pork knuckles - easy and quick recipe! In Czech Republic and Slovakia it called ,,Tlačenka”, in Poland - "Salceson".

Treat yourself to a flavorful twist on ham, made from tender pork knuckles in an easy, quick recipe. Perfect for a unique, savory touch to your meal.

Ham from pork knuckles step-by-step recipe:


  • 2 middle-sized pork knuckles

  • Celery root

  • 1 large carrot

  • 2 teaspoons of peppercorns

  • 4 bay leaves

  • 1 teaspoon of coriander

  • 1 teaspoon of cumin

  • 7-9 garlic gloves

  • 1 onion

  • Salt and pepper (better freshly ground pepper)


Step 1

Place 2 medium-sized pork knuckles in a large saucepan. Cut celery root and 1 large carrot into large pieces. Add the vegetables to the pot with the pork knuckle and 1 large onion. Fill the pot with water so that it covers all the ingredients. Sprinkle 1 teaspoon of peppercorns on top and add 4 bay leaves. Salt to taste.

pork bullion

Leave to simmer for 3 hours under a lid. First bring the soup to a boil, skim off the foam, then reduce the temperature and cook over medium heat (the broth should barely bubble).

Step 2

While the knuckle is cooking, take a large plastic bottle (it is best to take a volume of 1.5-2 liters) and cut off the neck. The resulting cup we will use as a mold.

Step 3

When the knuckles are ready, place them in a deep bowl and set the broth aside - we will still need it.

Separate the meat from the bone and tear it into small pieces (it is more convenient to do it with two forks. Press a head of garlic on the knuckle (about 7-9 small cloves).

pork and garlic

Step 4

In a separate container grind a teaspoon of peppercorns, a teaspoon of coriander and a teaspoon of cumin. Add the resulting powdered mixture to the meat. Fill everything with two scoops of broth, which remained after boiling the pork knuckle. Season with salt and pepper to taste and mix everything thoroughly.

pork bullion

Step 5

Place the meat in a plastic cup. Tamp the mixture well inside (do this with a spoon or a ladle), and it is best to press on all sides to get rid of any air bubbles.

pork in the bottle

Add two more scoops of broth on top - again, move the bottle around and gently tap it on the table a few times. This will distribute the broth better into the dish.Add two more scoops of broth on top and seal the bottle with foil.

pork in the bottle

Leave in the refrigerator to set for 12 hours.

Step 6

After the dish has solidified, we need to carefully remove it from the glass. To do this, make a cut on the glass and tear off the plastic in chunks. You can leave the bottom of the bottle, so that it will be more convenient for you to slice the resulting ham.

ham from a pork knuckles

Slice the ham into circles and serve with mustard and pickles.

prepared dish

Bon appetit!

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